
Elisa Berardinelli was born on 4th of May 1981 and she is an active Italian painter specialising in original artworks, copies, portraits both pencil and oil on canvas. Throughout her career she masters her own style mainly based on the fascinating power of communication, demonstrating talent and total commitment.

In 2000 she moves to Bologna attending a three years course on “Methodology for preservation and restoration of artistic heritage” at Fine Arts Academy where later she postgraduates in “Preservation of paintings” awarding honours.
She starts out cooperating with Fine Arts Academy and working for important laboratories including Maricetta Parlatore, Laboratorio degli Angeli, Patrizia Cantelli Studio, A-RES S.n.c. Ostra Vetere (AN), Sb. Belogi Sabrina Company and Cuzzolin Silvia Studio, Senigallia (AN).

In 2006 Elisa meets her master of art Robert Stpiczynski, a qualified polish painter based in her home town, operating all over Italy and Poland. Thanks to him she learns a range of different techniques also studying and copying famous artworks from Middle Age to 19th Century. This meeting reveals to be essential as at this point of her life Elisa realises what she is aiming for and she understands the imperative lesson of art, constantly requiring mental effort, manual labour and a strong knowledge of the past. She spends hours meticulously observing shapes and objects, faces and surroundings focusing on drawing at first, to acquire precision therefore developing a careful sensibility characterising her paintings.

From 2007 Elisa cooperates with local artists from her region, organising personal exhibitions to promote her art, involving people in her wide world made of feelings, culture and passion.

From 2008 to 2009 she writes for the art magazine “L’Aperitivo illustrato” publishing interesting articles on art history.
Working for three years as art therapist in the rehab centre IRS Aurora Cooperativa Sociale ARL, she teaches drawing and painting techniques to a class of people struggling with drug addiction.

Her last project known as “ Le tele del jazz” is a touring exhibition dedicated to the biggest performers of Afro American music.
The exhibit takes place at the same time as important events ran by region Marche.
She is available for private tutoring and works on a commission basis.